Juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the world
A. Martini1
- Professor emeritus, University of Genova, Italy.
2024 Vol.1, N°1
PI 0020, PF 0022
Received: 26/06/2024
Accepted : 01/07/2024
In Press: 02/07/2024
Published: 10/07/2024
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is an heterogeneous condition currently divided into several different categories. Studies have shown important differences in frequency of the various JIA categories in different part of the world. The relative contribution of environmental factors or genetic in explaining these differences remains to be established. A greater JIA-related damage is observed in low-income countries which can be explained by inadequate financial resources and difficulties in health care facilities access. Initiatives to expand the knowledge of paediatric rheumatology all over the world are strongly needed.