
How to submit a manuscript to the Journal of Environmental Rheumatology online system

You must first register (first time users) and/or log in (for already registered users). In the menu on your right, then chose “New article” in the Author Center, and fill the requested fields.

Please note that the person who registers and/or logs on for starting the submission of a new manuscript is considered by the system as the Corresponding Author, i.e., the person who will receive all correspondence related to the submitted article. In the manuscript itself there may appear a different Corresponding Author, who will be the one appearing in the final accepted online version.

The procedure is subdivided into 4 steps.

  1. load details
  2. load authors
  3. load collaborators, if any
  4. upload file


Step 1 - Insert article details

Article section: please indicate whether the manuscript you are submitting is a full length original article (full paper), or a brief paper, a case report, a review article, an editorial, a letter to the editor or a paediatric contribution.

Title: insert a concise but informative title (do not use acronyms).

Running title: insert a short running title of no more than 50 characters.

Abstract: A summary (250 words or less) suitable for use by abstracting journals, and divided into the following sections: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.

Key words: insert up to 5 indexing terms drawn from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list of Index Medicus.

Cover letter: insert a cover letter containing the following information:

a.a statement by the Authors that the article has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;

b.information on prior publication or the submission elsewhere of any part of the work (note: if any of the material in the article has already been published in other than abstract form, enclose a copy of the previous publication);

c.a statement of financial or other relationships that could lead to a conflict of interest;

d.a statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all of the authors;

e.in cases of high number of authors (more than 6 authors for an original article, or more than 3 for a case report) an explanation of the contribution of each author must be provided;

f.the letter may also give information regarding the type of article the manuscript represents and why the authors feel it would be interest to the readers of Journal of Environmental Rheumatology;

The manuscript must be accompanied by copies of permissions to reproduce published material, report sensitive personal information, to use illustrations of identifiable persons, or to name persons for their contributions.

Conflict of interest: click the appropriate response. In case of affirmative response, please indicate your competing interests in the appropriate box.

Sponsor/acknowledgements: Specify: (a) inputs that deserve acknowledgement but do not justify authorship (scientific advisers, critical review of the proposal, data collection, or participation in a clinical trial [Note: authors must obtain written permission from persons who are acknowledged by name, as readers may infer their endorsement of the data and conclusions]; (b) technical assistance; (c) financial and material support; and (d) financial relationships that may involve a conflict of interest.

Ethical Committee Approval: click the appropriate response.

Authors consent: the manuscript must be read and approved by all of the authors.

Exclusive licence: click the appropriate response.

Once you have complete Step 1, please click the button "save". You can now go to Step 2 "Insert Authors names".

Step 2 - Insert the names of the Authors

Insert all the authors (first name and initials (if any), last name and e-mail address). Click on "add new author" as many times as are the authors to be inserted. The order of the Authors may be changed using the numbers beside the inserted names.

The corresponding author should also insert his/her name.

PLEASE, BE SURE TO HAVE INCLUDED THE NAMES OF ALL THE AUTHORS, INCLUDING THE CORRESPONDING AUTHOR. Failing to do so means that, once the manuscript is accepted for publication, the final list of Authors is not complete, and may wrongly be transmitted to PubMed. 

Once finished, click on "save". You can now go to Step 3 if you need to insert collaborators, or directly to Step 4 "Upload File".

Step 3 - Insert the names of the collaborators

Insert the names of the collaborators, if any (first name and initials (if any), last name and e-mail address). Click on "add new collaborator" as many times as are the collaborators to be inserted.

If there are no collaborators, please proceed to step 4.

Step 4 - Upload file

The system allows to upload ONLY ONE zip folder, which may include one or more files. The format of the files is essential for facilitating the work of the reviewers. We suggest to use the following common formats: PDF and JPG (for figures).

When preparing your manuscript, please:

- prepare a full complete text, including title page with full list of Authors, their affiliations and the abstract page;

- insert in your text file also the tables(s) and/or the figure(s), and then convert them in ONE single PDF file. Please try to include text, tables and figures in a single PDF file to facilitate the work of the referees. 

Then the PDF file(s) (preferably one single file) must be compressed into a single ZIP file. Please, DO NOT INCLUDE the cover letter here.

If you find difficulties in inserting them into a single file, you can prepare a folder in which you place the text, the tables and/or figures, and you compress them in ONE ZIP file.

To make a zip file on MacOsX: please select the pdf file (Shift-click for select multiple files) and then Control-click on the file(s) and choose Create archive from there.

To make a zip file on Windows: please select the pdf file (Shift-click for select multiple files) and then right-click on the file and choose Send to compressed (zipped) folder from there.



The operation of uploading the zip file may require e few minutes; please wait and do not press any key or exit the program while the uploading is working.