

How can I access the full texts of the articles in your journal ?

Articles are open-access and you can consult and download all articles freely.

What does registering entail

This is a "one time only" operation; register once and you will have continual access to our Tables of Contents and abstracts. All we ask is your name and e-mail address. None of this information will be distributed to any third parties; it will be used by us in this office to monitor usage patterns.

Can I request that no material be sent to me by email ?

Definitely; any such preferences will be respected.

What are all these code numbers ?

To log on you will need your:
User name: chosen by you when you registered as a site visitor (case sensitive). Note: This is a fixed datum and can only be changed by writing to us.
Password: generated by us and sent to your e-mail address when you register. This can be changed at any time by clicking "Modify my data" on the menu bar.
Reader Password: generated by us and sent to your e-mail address when you register. This password do not permit change in the user data and is useful for institutional subscription for distribution to readers. This can be changed with autentication by username and first password.

How can I modify my password or user name ?

You can change your password by clicking on "Modify my date" on the Menu bar. The user name cannot be changed.

I have registered, but when I log in I receive the following message: the username does not exist

If you do not log in within 24 hours since the registration, the data input will be automatically cancelled.

If you need help or have any other questions, please send us an e-mail.