
Guidelines for reviewers

Once you receive the editor’s invitation to review a manuscript, please reply to the message by accepting or refusing to review the article. Please do so as quickly as possible, so that the system will be automatically updated, and you will not receive automated reminders.

How to accept the invitation to review a manuscript

Once you accept to review the article, please log in using your username and Password, then click on "Assigned Articles" in the menu on you right.

We kindly ask you to do your revision within two weeks; automated reminds will be sent after the due date.

How to review an article


To view and/or download the manuscript, please click on the link with the reference code .zip that you find under the heading "Manuscript(s)". To complete your evaluation, click on "judge", and when you are done, submit it by clicking on "send".

Reviewers should complete both the Confidential comments for the Editor, and the Comments for the Authors. Please, note that the page will be closed after 20 min. of inactivity. To do your review, we suggest that you prepare your comments in a separate file; then, once you have finished, you copy and paste it in the relevant fields (Comments for Authors, or Confidential comments for the Editor)

In your Comments for the Authors please make specific comments that will help the Authors in modifying their manuscript, but avoid stating directly whether the article should be accepted or rejected.

The Comments for the Editor (which will remain confidential, and will not be sent to the Authors) should contain clearly stated information on relevance, acceptability, clearness, priority for publication and any other confidential material that you deem necessary.

You can track the status of the manuscripts assigned to you by logging in and clicking “Articles to be evaluated” in the Referee Center.