
Privacy Information

In accordance with the Legislative Decree of 30 June 2003, no. 196 of the Code regarding the protection of personal data, and article 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, the Data Controller, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology (in the person of the legal representative pro-tempore, with headquarters in via Santa Maria 31, 56126 Pisa, Italy - hereafter named CER) guarantees the observance of the rules on personal data protection.

The personal data provided will be used exclusively for carrying out activities related to the user in accordance with contractual agreements and will not be given to third parties. All data related to credit card information inserted by the user is not managed by CER but directly by the bank encrypted website.

Additional information (such as domain names, IP addresses and browser types), detected through our website, are used to track traffic statistics and control needs as to how to use the service of the competent authorities and are in no way accompanied by any additional personal information. CER reserves the right to send its users offers, news and updates via e-mail, in accordance with the current regulations, it being understood that the person concerned has the right to object to this use at any time.

The data will be processed only by those with the authority to do so, nominated by the owner to deal with relationships with clients. In no way shall they be circulated or disclosed to third parties, either national or international.

The data will be stored in a form that allows the identification of the person concerned for a period not exceeding that necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected, al net of those data that must, or in any case, be kept for a longer period in order to comply with the legal or regulatory obligations imposed on CER.

At any time users can decide to retract or request the cancellation, modification or update of any personal information in our possession, either doing it personally by accessing their personal area, using their credentials (username and password), or by sending an e-mail to: info@environmentalrheumatology.com.

The present privacy information sets the legal basis upon which the personal data collected or inserted by the user will be elaborated:

  1. Their principal use is exclusively related to the performance of the service offered by JER, i.e., submission of scientific manuscripts to be evaluated for publication; request to evaluate scientific contributions (referee); correspondence with the corresponding Author in all the different stages of the processing of the article; newsletter informing about the publication of the most recent issue and /or other scientific or technical information related to the field of Rheumatology.
  2. The user’s consent is requested before entering personal data.
  3. By no means will the data inserted be sold or disclosed to third parties.

The users have the following rights:

  1. To receive confirmation of the existence of their personal data in the database of the Controller, and right to access them by means of personal credentials (username and password);
  2. To know the aims and scopes, the legal basis and methods of treatment of the data;
  3. To know who the appointed person responsible for the treatment of data is;
  4. To modify, integrate, and/or update their data, in accordance with the service requested and offered by JER;
  5. To cancel their data if treated in violation of the law. There are certain specific cases, however, in which JER must maintain the data inserted, and cannot cancel them. For instance, if the data inserted are of users who have acted as Authors, Referees and/or Subscribers to JER, these data are necessary to the regular and legitimate functioning of the website.
  6. To withdraw their consent to the treatment of data, in accordance with the previous point.
  7. To lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority identified under art. 77 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (i.e., Guarantor for the protection of personal data – www.garanteprivacy.it) in the case of alleged violation of the regulations governing the processing of personal data,

Use of cookies

This site uses cookies in order to make the services as efficient and simple as possible. Therefore, when users access the site, a minimum amount of information is entered in the user's area, like small text files called "cookies", which are stored in the user's Web browser. There are several types of cookies, but basically the main purpose of a cookie is to enable the site to operate more efficiently and enable certain functions.

Cookies are used to improve the user’s online browsing. In particular:

There are several types of cookies. Below are the types cookies that may be used on the site with a description of their uses.

Why this website, do not have cookie banner?

We use only technical cookies (always permitted).

The following functions will ALWAYS be operative:

Different types of cookies exist. We report below some kinds of cookies that can be used in this website, and a brief description of the purpose of their use

Functionality cookies

Cookies of this type are necessary for the proper functioning of some areas of the site. Cookies in this category include both persistent cookies and session cookies. Without these, the site or portions of it may not work properly, therefore, they are always used, regardless of user preferences. Cookies in this category are always sent from our domain.

Performance cookies

Cookies of this type are used to collect information on the use of the site. The Data Controller uses this information for statistical analysis to improve the site and simplify its use, as well as to monitor correct operational activity. This type of cookie collects information anonymously about user activity on the site and the way in which users arrived at the site and the pages visited. Cookies in this category are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains.

Third party cookies

Cookies of this type are used to collect information on the use being made of the site by visitors, the keywords used to access the site, the Web sites visited and the geographical origins of user traffic for marketing campaigns. The Data Controller may use the information to compile reports and improve the site. The cookies collect information anonymously. Cookies of this type are sent from the site or from third-party domains.

Cookies for the integration of third-party functionality

Cookies of this type are used to integrate third-party functionality in the site (e.g. forms for comments or social network icons that allow users to share the content of the site). Cookies in this category can be sent from the domains of the partner sites or from those that offer the features present on the site.

The Data Controller is not required to obtain user consent for Functionality cookies, as these are strictly necessary to provide the service.

For other types of cookie the user can decide whether to give consent, in accordance with local regulations, through specific browser configurations and computer programmes or devices that are easy and clear to use. The Data Controller informs the User that cookie preferences can be modified at any time. It is also possible to disable cookies at any time, but this may prevent the user from using certain parts of the site.

Third Party Web Sites

The site contains links to other Web sites that have their own privacy policy. These privacy policies may be different from the one adopted by the Data Controller, who, therefore is not accountable for Third Party Sites.

Under Article 122, second paragraph of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 consent to the use of these cookies is expressed by the individual through the personal settings he has freely chosen for the browser used to navigate the site, it being understood that the user has the authority to communicate at any time with the Data Controller regarding the use of their personal data by means of cookies that the browser itself has accepted.


LocalStorage is a function supported by browsers of the last generation that, like cookies, allows saving data on the user browser, but generates less traffic and has a limited available space up to 5MB.

We use LocalStorage to remember the choices made by the users.

This technique is not as invasive as cookies; in fact all information related to the choices made by the users do not automatically navigate on the net and are not memorized in the localstorage, as happens with cookies. By using this new technique the pages sent to the client contain scripts that visualize the choices made by the user in a different way.